
Hamburg Fair entries can be all kinds.  Winner will receive a blue ribbon and is eligible to submit their entry to the State contest.

2024 State Quilt Contest

Sponsored by The Association of Connecticut Fairs

This contest is open to all residents of CT; men, women and juniors. If entered by juniors, they will be judged with all adult entries.  Any entry that is entered at the Hamburg Fair is automatically competing in the local contest. Contestants may enter a contest at as many member fairs contests until they win first prize. They will then represent that fair in the state contest.  Judging will be based on overall appearance, workmanship and originality. Decisions of the judges are final.

The winner of Hamburg Fair quilt contest will receive a white ribbon from The Association of CT Fairs and will become eligible to submit their entry to the state contest. The state contest will be held at The Association of CT Fairs spring meeting, follow this link to get the complete Quilt contest rules.   http://www.ctagfairs.org/p/news-and-resources/contests/quilt-contest

1st Place: $50
2nd Place: $35
3rd Place: $15
(in each category)


1. Hand Applique
2. Pieced Machine Quilted
3. Pieced Hand Quilted

No tied quilts or precut kits permitted.


1. All work must be completed by an individual quilt maker.
2. Work can be pieced by hand or by machine but appliqué and quilting must be done by hand.
3. All 4 sides must be at least 216” total when added together.
4. This contest is open to all residents of Connecticut
5. A quilt can only compete in the Assn. of CT Fairs Quilt contest once
6. Applique quilts must consist of at least 50% applique
7. No wall hanging quilts

Please visit  www.ctagfairs.org or email info@ctagfairs.org for info.

Judging Criteria
(115 points total)

Overall Appearance: 15 points
Difficulty of Pattern: 15 points
Consistency of Stitches: 10 points
Matching of Points and Corners: 15 points
Borders and Bindings: 20 points
Cleanliness of Work: 20 points
Balance of Material Weight, Color & Pattern: 20 points