
Contact Lori Caine at 203-400-4101
Lyme Garden Club

Entries and exhibits accepted in the Grange Hall during these times only: Thursday 6-8 pm or Friday 1-4:30 pm


1. Entries must be grown by participant.
2. Only one entry in each class allowed per person.
3. Exhibitors must use own container. (Enter at own risk.)
4. Use of milk bottles is prohibited by law.
5. Professional growers/florists not allowed to compete.
6. Commercially grown flowers not allowed.

Children’s Division

(State age of child on entry)
Best in Show $5
1st Prize $3
2nd Prize $2
3rd Prize $1

1. Friendly Critter: animal made from fruit or vegetable
Groups: Ages up to 4 yrs, ages 5-8, and, ages 9-12
2. Miniature or Tea Cup Arrangement under 6” high
3. Cut Flowers grown by a child (at least 5 blooms)
4. Arrangement in an Unusual Container
5. House Plant grown and tended by child
6. Dish Garden or Terrarium created and tended by child
7. Carnivorous Plant tended by child

Adult Division

Best in Show $5.00
1st prize $4.00
2nd prize $2.00
3rd prize ribbon

1. Black-Eyed Susan – 7 blooms, assorted
2. Coneflower – 7 blooms, assorted
3. Dahlias – 5 blooms, assorted colors
4. Marigolds – 9 blooms – large or small or combined
5. Zinnias – 5 blooms, assorted colors
6. Herb Collection (Identify all Herbs) – 5 specimens
7. Dish Garden – all fresh Flowers/Foliage/Accessories
8. Foliage House Plant
9. Blooming House Plant

1. Miniature – 4” maximum height with container
2. Tea Cup Arrangement – 6” maximum height
3. Flower Basket
4. Unusual Container – natural materials, your choice
5. Leaf Foliage – fresh arrangement
6. Flowers in One Color
7. Gardeners’ Choice – any arrangement not listed
8. Terrarium – must include natural materials

Garden Photo
Submit a photo of your garden. The Committee will choose one to
place in next years Fair book.