Lyme Grange Fairgrounds
2 Sterling City Road, Lyme CT 06371
Hamburg Rd (Rt. 156) and Sterling City Rd.
Lyme, Connecticut
Fair Officers
President, Skip Beebe, 860-227-1071
Vice President, Dave Roberge, 860-662-1339
Vice President, Steve Evankow, 860-575-8048
Corresponding Secretary, Adam McEwin
Recording Secretary, Mandy Novak, 860-391-5995
Treasurer, Isabel Roberge, 860-304-1344
2024 Fair Chairman, Dave Roberge, 860-662-1339
Fair Superintendents
Beer/Wine, Lisa Golebiewski, 860-343-7825
Business Opportunities, Sara Qua, 860-575-5705
Children’s Crafts, Diana DeWolf Carfi, 860-434-7148
Children’s Games/Activities, Bob Cope, 860-344-3049
Commercial Vendors, Nancy Beebe, 860-434-7359
Merchandise, Christine DeBiasi, 860-917-7641
Music Entertainment, Trudy Burgess, 860-304-9658
Flower Exhibits, Lori Caine, 203-400-4101
Food Concessions, Jim Quarto, 860-391-5995
Gate, Jen Dill
Grounds, Dave Roberge, 860-662-1339
Ladies Fry Pan Toss Contest, Tori Harris, 860-391-9817
Handcrafts, Heidi Freudenthal, 860-912-5621
Home Goods, Doreen Lammer, 860-227-2979
Marketing, Heike Coffee, 914-426-8707; Rachel Fearnley
Photography, Skip Hine
Vegetables, Fruits and Grains, Kat Kampler, 860-301-3300
Volunteer Coordinator, Caitlin Courtney, 860-964-0081